Services / Advances / Agriculture Advances


Bank is providing finance to farmers in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar District. For getting the finance, farmers have to become the member of the Society in the related area where he resides. He is to provide land record to the Secretary of the society, Society is assessing the credit need of the member as per the loan policy and prepare the “SAKH PATRAK” for the society and submit the same to Sub-committee at Taluka level and loan is sanctioned to the society. Thus the finance is available to the farmer from Bank on creating the charge on the land in favor of the Society. Bank is also maintaining the accounts of farmers for cash credit, over draft and loan products.

Bank have the liberal loan policy for providing various agriculture loans such as crop loan, tractor finance, pipe line loan, tube well , Oil engine, dug well, Water storage finance, Drip irrigation and sprinkler system finance, for tractor repairing, motor cycle loan, agri business, agri-clinic, medicine cropping and Bagayati cropping etc.

Agriculture Advances

[A] Crop loan / Short term Advances
  • Kharif
  • Ravi
[B] Medium term / Long term Advances

1 Minor Irrigation
  • Dug Wells, Bore well, Pump sets
  • Renovation of Old Wells
  • Shallow Tube Wells. Deep Tube Well
  • Lift Irrigation, Drip Irrigation, Sprinkler
  • Pump House
  • Storage Tank etc.

2 Land Development
  • Under Ground Pipeline
  • Soil Conservation, Land Reclamation
  • Purchase of Land
  • Organic Farming
  • Vermiculture
  • Checkdams etc.

3 Farm Mechanization
  • New / Second Hand Tractor
  • Harvesters / Reapers, Power Tillers
  • Plant Protection Equipment
  • Trailers
  • Harvester Combine etc.

4 Plantation & Horticulture
  • Vegetable Crops, Spices
  • Aromatic & Medicinal Plants
  • Nursery Development
  • Green Houses etc.

5 Farm Forestry & Waste Land Development

6 Animal Husbandry
  • Milch Animals
  • Mini / Commercial Dairy
  • Bulk Milk Coolers
  • Calf Rearing, Cattle Shed
  • Poultry, Duck Farming, Rabbit Farming
  • Sheep / Goat / Piggery etc.

7 Storage Godown
  • Rural Godown – to meet the requirement of farmers for storing farm product, processed product. Bank is also providing Godown plan estimate with technical information and guidance.
  • Market Yards.
  • Cold Storage etc.